Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My entry to the blogosphere!

     Welcome to my blog! This will most likely be the most random blog ever, but that's the point! This is how my fans, friends, family, colleagues get to see more of the facets of the person I am. On here I will be sharing my humble opinions of world events, events in my personal life, events in my professional life, school experiences, my high school experience, products that I love, fashion trends I love, music picks, and people I think are just awesome. I plan on sharing with the world most of the stuff in my life good, bad and indifferent.

     I want to share experiences including what happened and how I dealt with those experiences. There are people that come up to me in stores and ask what makeup I am wearing, clothes, etc.  And generally they came up to just to give me a compliment. I want to create a space in the world where I share my secrets that get me the compliments that make me feel better about myself. I feel that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Just because a person is short, overweight, super skinny, beyond tall, you have freckles, pale skin, dark skin, and everyone in between is beautiful. And everyone deserves to hear that from other people, the more you hear how beautiful you are the more likely, I believe, that you are beautiful. I believe I am beautiful and so are You! Everyone deserves to get a compliment every once in a while, sometimes its the little things that you do that can make a huge difference.

    Growing up I wanted to be a vet, a United States Marine like my daddy, a doctor. I changed my mind a couple of times. Some parts of changing my mind occurred because of experiences and others because of circumstance. But being a senior in High School I get to take a look back at my academic career, who I wanted to be when I started high school and now who I want to be in the present. I can now establish what I am planning on doing to achieve my goals. The years of adolescence are a whirl wind of changes, some of the changes we notice and some we don't notice until after the change has occurred. In my case, my personal evolution from the girl I was when I was a freshman to the young woman I am as a senior was drastic. My goals have changed, I've changed, but I kept  constant theme's in my life. To treat other people better than they have treated me, to stand up for myself always, don't let social pressures change my personal views of the world, love myself the way I am, except what I can not change, be myself because no one else is exactly like me. My mother taught me allot of that and I am still working as she puts it " buffing the rough edges off of the diamond". This "diamond" is still a bit rough around the edges but I will get there! The more I perfect myself, the more I can help other people.

     I have always wanted to help other people feel better, be happier, and live their lives to the fullest! I realize that the way I do things, what I think about, and what I like may be different from the rest of the human population and that not everyone will agree with me. In the end, no has to agree with me but on the off chance that someone in the world agrees with me, then maybe I have achieved my goal of helping others.